Prolinx Secure Managed Services
A portfolio of innovative secure private cloud services – the Prolinx Assured Cloud contains services that can be deployed independently to target a specific customer requirement, or combined in order to create a complete end-to-end collaborative working environment at the required security tier. A flexible design and provisioning approach is adopted, enabling the customer to combine or ‘bolt-on’ multiple desired services at point of provision, or later, as customer needs and user demands change. Prolinx specialises in transitioning customer services, applications and tool-sets to an accredited fully assured environment. As part of customer engagement and on boarding, the Prolinx Security Team is able to guide the customer through the processes to meet required UK Government mandated standards and if required assign a dedicated Security Assurance Coordinator.
Within the Prolinx Assured Cloud, sustainable, scalable, secure managed service solutions facilitate the delivery of UK Sovereign private cloud and shared services to both the public and private sector.
This includes secure user access, remote connectivity, secure wireless deployment, application and Virtual Machine hosting, infrastructure, Security Operations Centre, end user device deployment and management, environmental control, DR and security services, with a comprehensive overarching Service Management model complimented by a growing range of additional professional services.
The services are available across multiple Government Security Classifications with connectivity to/from Government Public Service, Defence and User specified Networks as required.
Secure by Design
Prolinx services are Secure by Design – this framework introduced by the MoD requires Prolinx to ensure that appropriate security controls are proportionately applied to each of our managed services.
We conduct information risk assessments for all newly deployed services, and have implemented the required process and practices to provide ongoing, continual security control effectiveness throughout the life-cycle of our services as opposed to a one off security test or a one off accreditation case.
Accreditation is formally being replaced by the Secure by Design Assurance process from the UK Ministry of Defence. Prolinx are now able to offer an Assurance feature for customers where migration of customer data, applications and toolsets are required. This includes the provision of a Security Assurance Coordinator role for our customer, who will work with an Assurance lead at Cyber Defence and Risk (CyDR). The Prolinx Security Assurance Coordinator will work with the customer to undertake an information risk assessment, then present risks to the Assurance lead in CyDR. Following presentation and analysis of any risks, Prolinx and CyDR will formulate a plan and agree security controls to reduce these risks and subsequently provide security control effectiveness throughout the life of the service via both formal and informal testing.
Prolinx provide Security Architecture advice and reviews based on years of experience such that any issues in the design can be found at an early stage. Prolinx can also provide on-demand Security Consultancy as a Service where the customer does not have the necessary resources. Our Security Consultants have years of experience in demanding industries including Central Government, Defence and the Private Sector. Prolinx can provide a number of security consultancy services during onboarding such as Crypto custodian, Security Risk Assessor, Security Architect and Security Testing (informal and formal) – which allows the customer to flexibly take services as and when required.
Prolinx provide ongoing security control effectiveness assurance through regular informal testing and annual formal testing (undertaken by an independent provider). This will be presented to the Customer and the Assurance lead at CyDR via a series of security working groups. We can provide services such as the Security Assurance Coordinator as required by the MoD’s Secure By Design Framework where Prolinx take on the responsibility of ensuring the workloads hosted on Prolinx infrastructure follow the assurance lifecycle as mandated by the framework. We will ensure other aspects such as Security Working Groups and Security Controls effectiveness evidence is provided on a timely basis.